[AMOS commit] MDL-32235 introducing new workshop scheduled allocation plugin Committed into Git: 2012-03-29 10:05 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-32235 introducing new workshop scheduled allocation plugin Committed into Git: 2012-03-29 10:05 UTC

аз AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: David Mudrak
MDL-32235 introducing new workshop scheduled allocation plugin
The idea is to build a plugin that will internally call the random
allocator when the submissions deadline is reached. The teacher is able
to pre-define the configuration for the random allocator.


+ 2.3 en [enablescheduled,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [enablescheduledinfo,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [scheduledsettings,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [scheduledsettings_help,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [nosubmissionend,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [pluginname,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [resultdisabled,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [resultenabled,workshopallocation_scheduled]
+ 2.3 en [allocationconfigured,mod_workshop]
- 2.3 en [allocationscheduleconfigured,mod_workshop]