[AMOS commit] MDL-31901: Updating/moving files in FileManager Committed into Git: 2012-05-04 05:26 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-31901: Updating/moving files in FileManager Committed into Git: 2012-05-04 05:26 UTC

botAMOS -
Author: Marina Glancy
MDL-31901: Updating/moving files in FileManager
- added new functions to the backend (repository/draftfiles_ajax.php) to allow changing of file name, location, license and author in one request
- enabled changing file properties using JS UI (lib/form/filemanager.js)


+ 2.3 en [folderexists,core_repository]
+ 2.3 en [foldernotfound,core_repository]
+ 2.3 en [folderrecurse,core_repository]