[AMOS commit] MDL-38541 Make sure course cache is cleared properly during upgrade Committed into Git: 2013-04-09 01:09 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-38541 Make sure course cache is cleared properly during upgrade Committed into Git: 2013-04-09 01:09 UTC

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Author: Marina Glancy
MDL-38541 Make sure course cache is cleared properly during upgrade
- Core upgrade MUST NOT call rebuild_course_cache() at all - update DB directly instead
- Plugins MUST call rebuild_course_cache(.., TRUE) for clearing the course cache and can not update DB directly
- Plugins MUST NOT call rebuild_course_cache() unless for clearing the cache
- Created function upgrade_ensure_not_running() to be included in other functions that can not be used during upgrade


+ 2.5 en [cannotexecduringupgrade,core_error]