Components selector improvements

Components selector improvements

de David Mudrák -
Number of replies: 0
Imachen de Language pack maintainers

Hello everybody riseta

Screenshot of the new widgetI am happy to announce that the AMOS translator filter has been improved significantly. The components selection widget has been reimplemented so that it now uses checkboxes. Beside that, you will surely notice a list of numbers next to each component in that widget.

These numbers are Moodle versions (branches) at which the given component has some strings registered in AMOS. In the example attached to this post, I used the search/filter field to display just components containing "work" in their name. You can easily spot that e.g. the workshopallocation_scheduled component has been added in Moodle 2.3 and thence there are no its strings to translate for Moodle 2.2, for example.

You can effectively use this information when in doubt what Moodle version should be checked in the "Versions" filter field.

Let me remind that AMOS automatically includes translated strings in ZIP packages for all higher versions by default. So - using the attached example again - there would be no report_workflow strings found for Moodle 2.5 version (most probably because the 2.5 version of that add-on has not been released yet). But you can translate the 2.4 version of it (the most recent one available as the new widget layout suggests) and that translation will be automatically included in ZIP packages generated for Moodle 2.5 sites.

Hope this new feature helps!

And, as always, thanks everybody for your hard work in translating our favourite LMS!