[AMOS commit] MDL-45410 Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2014-05-07 07:25 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-45410 Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2014-05-07 07:25 UTC

por AMOS bot -
Número de respostas: 0
Author: Helen Foster
MDL-45410 Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack


+ 2.5 en [clialreadyconfigured,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [clialreadyinstalled,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [nativemysqlihelp,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [nativepgsqlhelp,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [pathssubdataroot,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [pathssubdirroot,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [pathssubwwwroot,core_install]
+ 2.5 en [apiv1migration_message_content,portfolio_boxnet]