AMOS site upgraded

AMOS site upgraded

David Mudrák - ން
Number of replies: 0

I'm happy to announce this site has been successfully upgraded during the weekend. We are running the latest stable Moodle code now and the family theme has been applied. The overall performance should be now better. And most importantly, the AMOS user interface has been improved in many areas. To highlight some:

  • The strings filter at the Translator page now displays just essential setting by default - the language, component and version. Advanced options are still available after clicking the "More options" button.
  • The strings editor at the Translator page now makes use of the responsive features of our bootstrap based theme (instead of the table based layout used before). This should lead to better experience when using AMOS at smaller screens and mobile devices.
  • The Stage page has been improved and the tools there can be collapsed (note that language pack maintainers have generally more tools there available than regular site users).
  • Some navigation elements have been added to the Translator and Stage screens so that it should be now easier to jump from one of them to another without the need to use the side navigation block (which some users prefer to have docked).

There may be some regressions and bugs as it happens. If you spot some, please do not hesitate to report them via Moodle Tracker.

Please note that there are some background jobs and subsystems that have to be re-enabled at the new server yet - such as generating and distributing the ZIP packs with the languages.