[AMOS commit] MDL-44725 Availability: Replace groupmembersonly - upgrade, core (1) Committed into Git: 2014-08-01 14:05 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-44725 Availability: Replace groupmembersonly - upgrade, core (1) Committed into Git: 2014-08-01 14:05 UTC

AMOS bot - દ્વારા
Number of replies: 0
Author: sam marshall
MDL-44725 Availability: Replace groupmembersonly - upgrade, core (1)
* Upgrades existing data so that the groupmembersonly option is
replaced with equivalent data for the new availability API.
* Removes the database field and admin setting used for
* Changes core modinfo library to remove/deprecate groupmembersonly
data and functions.
* Changes other core library files to remove groupmembersonly

Includes deprecation of several functions, listed in lib/upgrade.txt.


- 2.8 en [configenablegroupmembersonly,core_admin]
- 2.8 en [enablegroupmembersonly,core_admin]