[AMOS commit] MDL-47494 ddimageortext: NOBUG added feedback for student when they have not dragged an image to each drop zone. Committed into Git: 2011-08-20 13:52 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-47494 ddimageortext: NOBUG added feedback for student when they have not dragged an image to each drop zone. Committed into Git: 2011-08-20 13:52 UTC

napisao/la AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Jamie Pratt
MDL-47494 ddimageortext: NOBUG added feedback for student when they have not dragged an image to each drop zone.


+ 3.0 en [pleasedraganimagetoeachdropregion,qtype_ddimagetoimage]