[AMOS commit] MDL-51880 atto/plugins/table: improve table borders Committed into Git: 2015-10-23 07:19 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-51880 atto/plugins/table: improve table borders Committed into Git: 2015-10-23 07:19 UTC

by AMOS bot -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0
Author: Ryan Wyllie
MDL-51880 atto/plugins/table: improve table borders
* Removed the "No borders" option from general borders setting
since it's a style choice.
* Added inherit, initial and unset as border style options.
* Made the border settings disabled if "Theme default" is selected.
* Changed the transparent colour to be "Theme default" which means
apply no colour at all.


+ 3.0 en [dashed,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [dotted,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [double,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [groove,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [hidden,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [inherit,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [initial,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [inset,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [outset,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [ridge,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [solid,atto_table]
+ 3.0 en [unset,atto_table]
- 3.0 en [borderstyles_default,atto_table]