[AMOS commit] MDL-52954 core: Change from pandoc to unoconv - it gives better results Committed into Git: 2016-02-26 03:52 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-52954 core: Change from pandoc to unoconv - it gives better results Committed into Git: 2016-02-26 03:52 UTC

от AMOS bot -
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Author: Damyon Wiese
MDL-52954 core: Change from pandoc to unoconv - it gives better results
Most importantly it retains formatting better, and supports different charsets far better than pandoc.


+ 3.1 en [pathtounoconv,core_admin]
+ 3.1 en [pathtounoconv_help,core_admin]
- 3.1 en [pathtopandoc,core_admin]
- 3.1 en [pathtopandoc_help,core_admin]