[AMOS commit] MDL-31356 enrol_imsenterprise: New Features Committed into Git: 2013-09-24 03:43 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-31356 enrol_imsenterprise: New Features Committed into Git: 2013-09-24 03:43 UTC

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Atsakymų skaičius: 0
Author: Brian Biggs
MDL-31356 enrol_imsenterprise: New Features
* Feature 1: Allow nested categories when creating courses.
* Feature 2: Allow updates to course Full Name and Short Name.
* Feature 3: Allow setting authentication type for users.
* Feature 4: Allow updates to users.

Also added tests and updated course update routines so it doesn't
muck with DB directly.


+ 3.2 en [categoryseparator,enrol_imsenterprise]
+ 3.2 en [categoryseparator_desc,enrol_imsenterprise]
+ 3.2 en [updatecourses,enrol_imsenterprise]
+ 3.2 en [updatecourses_desc,enrol_imsenterprise]
+ 3.2 en [updateusers,enrol_imsenterprise]
+ 3.2 en [updateusers_desc,enrol_imsenterprise]