[AMOS commit] MDL-48468 cache: Import Redis cachestore Committed into Git: 2016-08-17 01:18 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-48468 cache: Import Redis cachestore Committed into Git: 2016-08-17 01:18 UTC

por AMOS bot -
Número de respostas: 0
Author: Russell Smith
MDL-48468 cache: Import Redis cachestore
This code was originally taken from; https://github.com/durana/moodle-cachestore_redis
Special thanks to Mark Nielsen and Adam Durana for their work on this.

Since the original import;
- Mode session support has been added.
- Some cleanup of names has been made.
- Data guarantee and references support was added.


+ 3.2 en [pluginname,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [prefix,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [prefix_help,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [prefixinvalid,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [test_server,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [test_server_desc,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [server,cachestore_redis]
+ 3.2 en [server_help,cachestore_redis]