[AMOS commit] MDL-20636 Mostly working conversion of the multichoice question type. Committed into Git: 2011-01-12 19:09 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-20636 Mostly working conversion of the multichoice question type. Committed into Git: 2011-01-12 19:09 UTC

por AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Tim Hunt
MDL-20636 Mostly working conversion of the multichoice question type.
Currently, you get an error on saving the editing form.


+ 2.1dev en [answernumberingiii,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [answernumberingIIII,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [correctansweris,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [pleaseselectananswer,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [pleaseselectatleastoneanswer,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [selectmulti,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [selectone,qtype_multichoice]
+ 2.1dev en [toomanyselected,qtype_multichoice]