Author: Damyon Wiese
MDL-58090 oauth2: Store a list of oauth2 services
Build an admin page where OAuth 2 services can be installed and configured.
Part of MDL-58220;a=commit;h=60237253a23644c38cbb3f8ea66c8e054295b6f6
+ 3.3 en [pluginname,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [editissuer,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuername,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuername_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerimage,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerimage_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerclientid,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerclientid_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerclientsecret,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerclientsecret_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerbaseurl,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerbaseurl_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuershowonloginpage,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuershowonloginpage_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerbehaviour,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerbehaviour_help,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [savechanges,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [configuredstatus,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [discoverystatus,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [systemauthstatus,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [configured,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notconfigured,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [discovered,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notdiscovered,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [loginissuer,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notloginissuer,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [systemaccountconnected,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [systemaccountnotconnected,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [createnewissuer,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [deleteconfirm,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuerdeleted,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [connectsystemaccount,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [authconfirm,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [authconnected,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [authnotconnected,tool_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [auth_oauth2description,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [auth_oauth2settings,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [pluginname,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [plugindescription,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notloggedin,auth_oauth2]
[AMOS commit] MDL-58090 oauth2: Store a list of oauth2 services Committed into Git: 2017-02-17 08:37 UTC
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