[AMOS commit] MDL-58168 auth_oauth2: Allow linking other accounts Committed into Git: 2017-03-08 14:03 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-58168 auth_oauth2: Allow linking other accounts Committed into Git: 2017-03-08 14:03 UTC

от AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Damyon Wiese
MDL-58168 auth_oauth2: Allow linking other accounts
Part of MDL-58220


+ 3.3 en [oauth2:managelinkedlogins,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [linkedlogins,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [linkedloginshelp,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notwhileloggedinas,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [issuer,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [info,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [createnewlinkedlogin,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [allowlinkedlogins,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [allowlinkedloginsdesc,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [createaccountswarning,auth_oauth2]