[AMOS commit] MDL-58220 oauth2: Use email as default username Committed into Git: 2017-03-31 02:06 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-58220 oauth2: Use email as default username Committed into Git: 2017-03-31 02:06 UTC

de AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Damyon Wiese
MDL-58220 oauth2: Use email as default username
And give better error messages.


+ 3.3 en [loginerror_userincomplete,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [loginerror_nouserinfo,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [loginerror_invaliddomain,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [loginerror_authenticationfailed,auth_oauth2]
+ 3.3 en [notloggedindebug,auth_oauth2]
- 3.3 en [emailnotallowed,auth_oauth2]
- 3.3 en [notloggedin,auth_oauth2]
- 3.3 en [selfregistrationdisabled,auth_oauth2]