[AMOS commit] MDL-23919 mod_data: add requiredentries to completion settings Committed into Git: 2017-03-19 16:41 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-23919 mod_data: add requiredentries to completion settings Committed into Git: 2017-03-19 16:41 UTC

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Author: Marcus Green
MDL-23919 mod_data: add requiredentries to completion settings
Added required entries text field to the completion criteria area.
This field accepts a number.

If the legacy Entries required field has a value greater than 0 it will
be displayed and editable. For new instances this field will not be displayed.


+ 3.3 en [completionentries,mod_data]
+ 3.3 en [completionentriescount,mod_data]
+ 3.3 en [requiredentries,mod_data]
+ 3.3 en [requiredentries_help,mod_data]
+ 3.3 en [requiredentrieswarning,mod_data]