[AMOS commit] MDL-59927 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2017-08-29 13:35 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-59927 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2017-08-29 13:35 UTC

le AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Helen Foster
MDL-59927 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack
Significant string changes:

- firstpagetitle_help,mod_wiki - improved wording
- completionicons_help,core_completion - removing confusing sentence
about the tick being optional


+ 3.3 en [enablesmartappbanners_desc,tool_mobile]
+ 3.3 en [idnumber_attribute,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [memberattribute_isdn,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [opt_deref,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [user_attribute,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [user_contexts,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [user_search_sub,enrol_ldap]
+ 3.3 en [login,core_repository]
+ 3.3 en [logintoaccount,core_repository]
+ 3.3 en [popup,core_repository]
+ 3.3 en [airnotifier:managedevice,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.3 en [id,mod_lti]
+ 3.3 en [launch_in_moodle,mod_lti]
+ 3.3 en [firstpagetitle_help,mod_wiki]