[AMOS commit] MDL-59495 registration: do not use the word 'hub' in strings Committed into Git: 2017-09-13 01:44 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-59495 registration: do not use the word 'hub' in strings Committed into Git: 2017-09-13 01:44 UTC

د AMOS bot لخوا -
د ځوابونو شمیر: 0
Author: Marina Glancy
MDL-59495 registration: do not use the word 'hub' in strings
Either say 'server', or 'Moodle.net' or change the wording. Registration is only possible on Moodle.net now
and it should no longer be called 'hub'.


+ 3.4 en [xmlrpcrecommended,core_admin]
+ 3.4 en [advertisepublication_help,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [description_help,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [detectednotexistingpublication,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [errorcourseinfo,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [errorcoursewronglypublished,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [errorunpublishcourses,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [existingscreenshotnumber,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [notregisteredonhub,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [publishedon,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [removefromhub,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [sharepublication_help,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [status,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [unpublishalladvertisedcourses,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [unpublishalluploadedcourses,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [unpublishconfirmation,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [unregistrationerror,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [urlalreadyregistered,core_hub]
+ 3.4 en [backup:backuptargethub,core_role]
+ 3.4 en [community:add,core_role]
+ 3.4 en [course:publish,core_role]
+ 3.4 en [restore:restoretargethub,core_role]