[AMOS commit] MDL-60449 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2017-10-19 16:16 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-60449 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack Committed into Git: 2017-10-19 16:16 UTC

bot AMOS -
Кількість відповідей: 0
Author: Helen Foster
MDL-60449 lang: Merge English strings from the en_fix language pack
Significant string changes:

* errorretrievingkey in message_airnotifier - improved wording and
removing reference to Moodle.org
* enddate_help and courseduration_desc in core - clearer wording
explaining what the date actually does
* restore:viewautomatedfilearea in core_role - changing wording to match
the behaviour
* dropzones_help in qtype_ddmarker - improved wording
* autologinkeygenerationlockout in tool_mobile - updated error message
* configallowemailaddresses in core_admin - clearer description
* subscriptionmode_helpin mod_forum - removing misleading sentence about
subscription mode changes not affecting existing users


+ 3.2 en [autologinkeygenerationlockout,tool_mobile]
+ 3.2 en [configallowemailaddresses,core_admin]
+ 3.2 en [error7022,core_mnet]
+ 3.2 en [enddate_help,core]
+ 3.2 en [courseduration_desc,core]
+ 3.2 en [restore:viewautomatedfilearea,core_role]
+ 3.2 en [errorretrievingkey,message_airnotifier]