Author: Anthony Forth
MDL-25394 Improved support for mobile and device themes;a=commit;h=37959dd471ba94988dfdbd9834d395a5ce893125
+ 2.1dev en [configenabledevicedetection,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [devicedetectregex,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [devicedetectregex_desc,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [devicedetectregexexpression,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [devicedetectregexvalue,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [devicetype,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [enabledevicedetection,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [themenoselected,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [themeselect,core_admin]
+ 2.1dev en [switchdevicedefault,core]
+ 2.1dev en [switchdevicerecommended,core]
+ 2.1dev en [usetheme,core]
- 2.1dev en [legacythemesaved,core]
- 2.1dev en [useforlegacytheme,core]
- 2.1dev en [useformaintheme,core]
[AMOS commit] MDL-25394 Improved support for mobile and device themes Committed into Git: 2011-05-31 06:25 UTC
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