[AMOS commit] MDL-61076 core_search: Require confirmation for search areas actions Committed into Git: 2017-12-21 14:23 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-61076 core_search: Require confirmation for search areas actions Committed into Git: 2017-12-21 14:23 UTC

by AMOS bot -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0
Author: sam marshall
MDL-61076 core_search: Require confirmation for search areas actions
The search areas screen contains several options which are potentially
risky for a live site but can be triggered by accidentally clicking a
single button or link.

This change adds a confirmation prompt for all these options.

The enable/disable search area icon does not have a confirmation
prompt because this is nondestructive (you can just click the icon
again to change it back).


+ 3.5 en [confirm_delete,core_search]
+ 3.5 en [confirm_indexall,core_search]
+ 3.5 en [confirm_reindexall,core_search]
+ 3.5 en [confirm_deleteall,core_search]