[AMOS commit] MDL-62211 tool_dataprivacy: Request filtering and pagination Committed into Git: 2018-05-02 14:51 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-62211 tool_dataprivacy: Request filtering and pagination Committed into Git: 2018-05-02 14:51 UTC

написао/ла AMOS bot -
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Author: Jun Pataleta
MDL-62211 tool_dataprivacy: Request filtering and pagination
* Make data requests page use table_sql to make it sortable
* Also, add an autocomplete element that enables filtering by
status and request type.


+ 3.5 en [filteroption,tool_dataprivacy]
+ 3.5 en [nodatarequestsmatchingfilter,tool_dataprivacy]
+ 3.5 en [privacy:metadata:preference:tool_dataprivacy_request-filters,tool_dataprivacy]