[AMOS commit] MDL-63013 tool_policy: Policy agreement style can be defined now Committed into Git: 2018-08-29 16:00 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-63013 tool_policy: Policy agreement style can be defined now Committed into Git: 2018-08-29 16:00 UTC

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ຈຳນວນການຕອບກັບ: 0
Author: David Mudrák
MDL-63013 tool_policy: Policy agreement style can be defined now
The patch introduces a new property of a policy document called
"Agreement style". It allows the admin to define if the policy should be
accepted together with all others on the consent page (legacy and
default behaviour) or on its page before the consent page is reached
(the new optional behaviour).


+ 3.6 en [policypriorityagreement,tool_policy]