[AMOS commit] MDL-63214 message: Add privacy preferences to filter who can message Committed into Git: 2018-09-05 13:04 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-63214 message: Add privacy preferences to filter who can message Committed into Git: 2018-09-05 13:04 UTC

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Number of replies: 0
Author: Sara Arjona
MDL-63214 message: Add privacy preferences to filter who can message
Add new messaging profile preferences to allow users to choose who
can message them:
- By default, users can select between 'My contacts only' and 'My
contacts and anyone in my courses'
- When $CFG->messagingallusers is enabled, a new option is displayed
also: 'Anyone on the site'. For users who have selected this option,
if $CFG->messagingallusers is disabled, the behaviour will be changed
to 'My contacts and anyone in my courses'


+ 3.6 en [contactableprivacy,core_message]
+ 3.6 en [contactableprivacy_onlycontacts,core_message]
+ 3.6 en [contactableprivacy_coursemember,core_message]
+ 3.6 en [contactableprivacy_site,core_message]
+ 3.6 en [usercantbemessaged,core_message]