[AMOS commit] MDL-62777 Administration: CLI upgrade new setting notification Committed into Git: 2018-10-22 02:09 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-62777 Administration: CLI upgrade new setting notification Committed into Git: 2018-10-22 02:09 UTC

i le AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Matt Porritt
MDL-62777 Administration: CLI upgrade new setting notification
During a CLI upgrade when there are new settings in core or in
a plugin, the settings are set to the defined defaults
automatically. There is no ouput shown on the CLI about which
new settings have been introduced or what default values the
setting are set to.

This patch outputs the name of the new setting and what the
default value being is set is to the CLI during an upgrade.
Objects and arrays are expanded into a human readable format.
This plugin also makes the function that sets the defaults to
be more robust so it isno longer required to be called multiple
times to ensure all settings are set.


+ 3.6 en [cliupgradedefault,core_admin]
+ 3.6 en [cliupgradedefaultheading,core_admin]
+ 3.6 en [cliupgradedefaultverbose,core_admin]