[AMOS commit] MDL-57898 core_customfield: Custom fields API Committed into Git: 2019-01-11 10:41 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-57898 core_customfield: Custom fields API Committed into Git: 2019-01-11 10:41 UTC

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Antal besvarelser: 0
Author: Toni Barberà Melià
MDL-57898 core_customfield: Custom fields API
This commit is part of work on Custom fields API,
to minimize commit history in moodle core the work of a team of developers was split
into several commits with different authors but the authorship of individual
lines of code may be different from the commit author.


+ 3.7 en [checkedbydefault,customfield_checkbox]
+ 3.7 en [errorconfigunique,customfield_checkbox]
+ 3.7 en [pluginname,customfield_checkbox]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata,customfield_checkbox]
+ 3.7 en [specificsettings,customfield_checkbox]
+ 3.7 en [errordefaultvaluenotinlist,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [errornotenoughoptions,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [invalidoption,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [menuoptions,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [pluginname,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [specificsettings,customfield_select]
+ 3.7 en [displaysize,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [errorconfigdisplaysize,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [errorconfiglinkplaceholder,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [errorconfiglinksyntax,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [errorconfigmaxlen,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [errormaxlength,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [islink,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [islink_help,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [ispassword,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [linktarget,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [maxlength,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [newwindow,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [none,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [pluginname,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [sameframe,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [samewindow,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [specificsettings,customfield_text]
+ 3.7 en [pluginname,customfield_textarea]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata,customfield_textarea]
+ 3.7 en [specificsettings,customfield_textarea]
+ 3.7 en [action,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [addingnewcustomfield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [addnewcategory,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [afterfield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [categorynotfound,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [checked,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [commonsettings,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [componentsettings,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [confirmdeletecategory,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [confirmdeletefield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [createnewcustomfield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [customfield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [customfielddata,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [customfields,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [defaultvalue,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [description,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [description_help,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [edit,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [editcategoryname,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [editingfield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [errorfieldtypenotfound,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [erroruniquevalues,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventcategorycreated,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventcategorydeleted,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventcategoryupdated,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventfieldcreated,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventfielddeleted,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [eventfieldupdated,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [fieldname,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [fieldnotfound,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [fieldshortname,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [formfieldcheckshortname,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [invalidshortnameerror,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [isdataunique,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [isdataunique_help,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [isfieldrequired,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [isfieldrequired_help,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [link,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [linktarget,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [modify,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [movecategory,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [movefield,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [no,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [nocategories,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [nopermissionconfigure,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [notchecked,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [otherfields,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [otherfieldsn,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:charvalue,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:contextid,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:decvalue,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:fieldid,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:instanceid,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:intvalue,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:shortcharvalue,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:timecreated,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:timemodified,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:value,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfield_data:valueformat,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:customfieldpluginsummary,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [privacy:metadata:filepurpose,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [shortname,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [shortname_help,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [showdate,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [specificsettings,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [therearenofields,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [totopofcategory,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [type,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [unknownhandler,customfield]
+ 3.7 en [yes,customfield]