[AMOS commit] MDL-64377 assign: Allow remove submission Committed into Git: 2018-12-12 08:02 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-64377 assign: Allow remove submission Committed into Git: 2018-12-12 08:02 UTC

por AMOS bot -
Número de respuestas: 0
Author: Damyon Wiese
MDL-64377 assign: Allow remove submission
Calls each submission plugin to remove the data for a submission.


+ 3.7 en [batchoperationconfirmremovesubmission,mod_assign]
+ 3.7 en [eventremovesubmissionformviewed,mod_assign]
+ 3.7 en [removesubmission,mod_assign]
+ 3.7 en [removesubmissionforstudent,mod_assign]
+ 3.7 en [removesubmissionconfirm,mod_assign]
+ 3.7 en [removesubmissionconfirmforstudent,mod_assign]