[AMOS commit] MDL-65537 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix) Committed into Git: 2019-05-10 08:17 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-65537 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix) Committed into Git: 2019-05-10 08:17 UTC

de către AMOS bot-
Număr de răspunsuri: 0
Author: Helen Foster
MDL-65537 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix)
Significant string changes:

* isdataunique_help and isfieldrequired_help,core_customfield -
explanatory wording
* forum:cantogglefavourite,mod_forum - 'Can toggle favourites.'
changed to 'Star discussions'


+ 3.7 en [auth_ldapdescription,auth_ldap]
+ 3.7 en [analyticslogstore_help,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [defaulttimesplittingmethods_help,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorcannotreaddataset,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorcannotwritedataset,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorexportmodelresult,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorimportmissingclasses,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorpredictioncontextnotavailable,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [errorsamplenotavailable,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [invalidtimesplitting,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [levelinstitutionisced6,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [levelinstitutionisced7,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [modeinstructionfacetoface,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [modeinstructionblendedhybrid,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [modeinstructionfullyonline,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [onlycliinfo,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [percentonline_help,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [timesplittingmethod_help,core_analytics]
+ 3.7 en [backpackconnection_help,core_badges]
+ 3.7 en [backpackweburl,core_badges]
+ 3.7 en [defaultissuerpassword_help,core_badges]
+ 3.7 en [error:nogroupslink,core_badges]
+ 3.7 en [selectgroup_end,core_badges]
+ 3.7 en [isdataunique_help,core_customfield]
+ 3.7 en [isfieldrequired_help,core_customfield]
+ 3.7 en [invalidcategoryid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidcommentid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidcommentitemid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidelementid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidgradeitemid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidgroupid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invaliditemid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidoutcome,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidrecord,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidrecordunknown,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidscaleid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invalidshortname,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [invaliduserid,core_error]
+ 3.7 en [deleteforeveryone,core_message]
+ 3.7 en [forum:cantogglefavourite,mod_forum]
+ 3.7 en [forum:canposttomygroups,mod_forum]
+ 3.7 en [postisprivatereply,mod_forum]
+ 3.7 en [initiatelogin,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [tooldetailsaccesstokenurl,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [tooldetailsmailtosubject,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [tooldetailsmodallink,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [tooldetailsmodaltitle,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [tooldetailspublickeyseturl,mod_lti]
+ 3.7 en [cannotremoveallsectionslots,mod_quiz]
+ 3.7 en [cannotremoveslots,mod_quiz]