[AMOS commit] MDL-66072 core: Remove course sharing and related capabilities Committed into Git: 2019-07-22 03:18 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-66072 core: Remove course sharing and related capabilities Committed into Git: 2019-07-22 03:18 UTC

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Number of replies: 0
Author: Peter
MDL-66072 core: Remove course sharing and related capabilities


- 3.8 en [enablecoursepublishing,core_hub]
- 3.8 en [enablecoursepublishing_help,core_hub]
- 3.8 en [backup:backuptargethub,core_role]
- 3.8 en [course:publish,core_role]
- 3.8 en [restore:restoretargethub,core_role]