[AMOS commit] MDL-68434 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix) Committed into Git: 2020-04-28 12:01 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-68434 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix) Committed into Git: 2020-04-28 12:01 UTC

ni AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Helen Foster
MDL-68434 lang: Import fixed English strings (en_fix)
Significant string changes:

* pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddimageortext and
pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddmarker - Note about the question type not
being accessible to visually impaired users

* addresourceoractivity,core - Removing 'resource' as the new activity
chooser doesn't have resource types separated


+ 3.9 en [configmessageinboundhost,tool_messageinbound]
+ 3.9 en [adhocempty,tool_task]
+ 3.9 en [adhocqueuesize,tool_task]
+ 3.9 en [checkadhocqueue,tool_task]
+ 3.9 en [taskfailures,tool_task]
+ 3.9 en [nomissingorextraindexesfound,tool_xmldb]
+ 3.9 en [h5p:access,contenttype_h5p]
+ 3.9 en [h5p:upload,contenttype_h5p]
+ 3.9 en [outof,gradingform_guide]
+ 3.9 en [pluginname_help,h5plib_v124]
+ 3.9 en [privacy:metadata,h5plib_v124]
+ 3.9 en [configreverseproxyignore,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [task_adhoc_concurrency_limit,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [task_adhoc_concurrency_limit_desc,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [task_adhoc_max_runtime,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [task_adhoc_max_runtime_desc,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [cachedef_user_favourite_course_content_items,core_cache]
+ 3.9 en [deletecontentconfirm,core_contentbank]
+ 3.9 en [nopermissiontodelete,core_contentbank]
+ 3.9 en [privacy:metadata:content:usercreated,core_contentbank]
+ 3.9 en [privacy:metadata:content:usermodified,core_contentbank]
+ 3.9 en [unsupported,core_contentbank]
+ 3.9 en [aria:defaulttab,core_course]
+ 3.9 en [aria:favouritestab,core_course]
+ 3.9 en [aria:recommendedtab,core_course]
+ 3.9 en [aria:modulefavourite,core_course]
+ 3.9 en [module,core_course]
+ 3.9 en [contenttypenotfound,core_error]
+ 3.9 en [courseformatnotfound,core_error]
+ 3.9 en [courseidnotfound,core_error]
+ 3.9 en [nopermissiontoedit,core_h5p]
+ 3.9 en [addresourceoractivity,core]
+ 3.9 en [backupadhocpending,core]
+ 3.9 en [checksok,core]
+ 3.9 en [managecontentbanktypes,core]
+ 3.9 en [morehelpaboutmodule,core]
+ 3.9 en [privacy:metadata:task_adhoc,core]
+ 3.9 en [originalextensionchange,core_repository]
+ 3.9 en [originalextensionremove,core_repository]
+ 3.9 en [contentbank:deleteanycontent,core_role]
+ 3.9 en [contentbank:deleteowncontent,core_role]
+ 3.9 en [contentbank:upload,core_role]
+ 3.9 en [course:recommendactivity,core_role]
+ 3.9 en [tries_desc,antivirus_clamav]
+ 3.9 en [configairnotifierurl,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [enableprocessor,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [notconfigured,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [h5pactivityfieldset,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [modulename,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [modulename_help,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [modulenameplural,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [package_help,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [pluginname,mod_h5pactivity]
+ 3.9 en [keytype_keyset,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [keytype_rsa,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organization,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationdescr,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationid_default,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationid_default_help,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationidguid,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationurl,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [publickeyset_help,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationid,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [organizationid_help,mod_lti]
+ 3.9 en [confirmstartheader,quizaccess_timelimit]
+ 3.9 en [confirmstart,quizaccess_timelimit]
+ 3.9 en [canredoquestions_desc,mod_quiz]
+ 3.9 en [canredoquestions_help,mod_quiz]
+ 3.9 en [canredoquestionsyes,mod_quiz]
+ 3.9 en [pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddimageortext]
+ 3.9 en [pluginnamesummary,qtype_ddmarker]