[AMOS commit] MDL-68293 mobile: Update language strings to mention new app plans Committed into Git: 2020-04-11 22:13 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-68293 mobile: Update language strings to mention new app plans Committed into Git: 2020-04-11 22:13 UTC

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Author: Juan Leyva
MDL-68293 mobile: Update language strings to mention new app plans
We need to update different language strings to let our site admins know about the new app restrictions
(for both features and user devices able to receive notifications)


+ 3.9 en [moodleappsportalfeatureswarning,tool_mobile]
+ 3.9 en [moodleapp_help,core_admin]
+ 3.9 en [configairnotifieraccesskey,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [errorretrievingkey,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [keyretrievedsuccessfully,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [moodleappsportallimitswarning,message_airnotifier]
+ 3.9 en [sitemustberegistered,message_airnotifier]