[AMOS commit] MDL-70821 course: Activity information fixes Committed into Git: 2021-03-27 05:21 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-70821 course: Activity information fixes Committed into Git: 2021-03-27 05:21 UTC

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Antal besvarelser: 0
Author: Jun Pataleta
MDL-70821 course: Activity information fixes
* Make sure the activity is visible to the user (cm_info::uservisible)
before showing the activity completion information.
* Add to-do status for overridden automatic completion


+ 3.11 en [completion_setby:auto:done,core_course]
+ 3.11 en [completion_setby:auto:todo,core_course]
- 3.11 en [completion_setby:auto,core_course]