[AMOS commit] MDL-71627 check: Add AV status, notification levels and more logging Committed into Git: 2021-05-18 06:53 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-71627 check: Add AV status, notification levels and more logging Committed into Git: 2021-05-18 06:53 UTC

bot AMOS írta időpontban
Válaszok szám: 0
Author: Kevin Pham
MDL-71627 check: Add AV status, notification levels and more logging
- `notifylevel` will change what gets sent as part of the antivirus
notification emails based on the scan type. For example if set on
SCAN_RESULT_FOUND, it will not notify for any detections, if set to
SCAN_RESULT_ERROR, it will notify for both detections and errors.
- `threshold` will determine how far the lookback is when displaying the
status of the /reports/status (System Status) page. It will display as
an ERROR state if there has been scanner issues within this certain
threshold period
- As part of the above, scanner errors will now trigger a new event
which will be logged as antivirus_scan_data_error or
antivirus_scan_file_error. Due to the nature of it reading from the
logs table, it only works currently for the "Standard logging"


+ 4.0 en [dataerrordesc,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [dataerrorname,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [fileerrordesc,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [fileerrorname,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [notifylevel_help,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [notifylevel,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [notifylevelfound,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [notifylevelerror,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [threshold_desc,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [threshold,core_antivirus]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_details,report_security]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_error,report_security]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_info,report_security]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_name,report_security]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_ok,report_security]
+ 4.0 en [check_antivirus_logstore_not_supported,report_security]