Author: Huong Nguyen
MDL-73188 usertours: Make language string ID work again
- New dropdown was created, user can choose to enter the content manually
or using Moodle Language string
- New text field was created to allow user to input the Lang string format
- New validation was created to validate the language identifier
- New Behat tests were created to validate the new feature;a=commit;h=2137ce65397e1fc14f16e504ae473482c22ef666
+ 4.0 en [content_help,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [content_type,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [content_type_help,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [content_type_langstring,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [content_type_manual,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [invalid_lang_id,tool_usertours]
+ 4.0 en [moodle_language_identifider,tool_usertours]
[AMOS commit] MDL-73188 usertours: Make language string ID work again Committed into Git: 2022-01-21 01:56 UTC
by AMOS bot -
အကြောင်းပြန်မှု အရေအတွက်: 0