[AMOS commit] MDL-69542 auth_lti: add mode based user provisioning Committed into Git: 2022-01-24 09:50 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-69542 auth_lti: add mode based user provisioning Committed into Git: 2022-01-24 09:50 UTC

by AMOS bot -
Number of replies: 0
Author: Jake Dallimore
MDL-69542 auth_lti: add mode based user provisioning
Three modes are initially introduced here, for use by dependent code:
1. Automatic - where accounts will be automatically created for users
2. Prompt new or existing - where the user can choose to use an existing
account or have a new account created for them.
3. Prompt existing only - where users must link an existing account.
This change also adds linked logins, for use with provisioning.


+ 4.0 en [accountcreatedsuccess,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [accountlinkedsuccess,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [cannotcreateaccounts,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [createaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [createaccountforme,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [createnewaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [currentlyloggedinas,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [firstlaunchnotice,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [firstlaunchnoauthnotice,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [getstartedwithnewaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [haveexistingaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [linkthisaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [mustbeloggedin,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:authsubsystem,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:issuer,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:issuer256,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:sub,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:sub256,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:tableexplanation,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:timecreated,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:timemodified,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [privacy:metadata:auth_lti:userid,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [provisioningmodeauto,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [provisioningmodenewexisting,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [provisioningmodeexistingonly,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [useexistingaccount,auth_lti]
+ 4.0 en [welcome,auth_lti]