[AMOS commit] MDL-73335 mod_quiz: Add tertiary nav for the quiz module Committed into Git: 2022-02-05 13:50 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-73335 mod_quiz: Add tertiary nav for the quiz module Committed into Git: 2022-02-05 13:50 UTC

AMOS bot - દ્વારા
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Author: Sujith Haridasan
MDL-73335 mod_quiz: Add tertiary nav for the quiz module
The tertiary navigation added for quiz module.

- Added tertiary nav buttons for the edit, attempt and view page
- urlselector is added to the overrides page to access user/groups
- The secondary tabs are highlighted when user navigates to
each page in quiz.
- Updated the behat tests for the changes made.

This commit is mostly Sujith's work, with further changes by
Tim Hunt <T.J.Hunt@open.ac.uk> so we share the blame/credit.


+ 4.0 en [attemptquiz,mod_quiz]
+ 4.0 en [previewquizstart,mod_quiz]