[AMOS commit] MDL-73917 message: Remove labels from notification preferences Committed into Git: 2022-02-23 16:02 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-73917 message: Remove labels from notification preferences Committed into Git: 2022-02-23 16:02 UTC

per AMOS bot,
Number of replies: 0
Author: Sara Arjona
MDL-73917 message: Remove labels from notification preferences
In MDL-67853, the "Enabled" label was added to all the toggle switches in the
user notification preferences page. This string is confusing, so this issue
is to remove it (and leave it as it was in 3.11).

Apart from that, following Helen's suggestion, I've renamed "Disallowed" to
"Locked off" and "Locked" to "Locked on", in order to help users to understand
better their meaning.


+ 4.0 en [disallowed,core_message]
+ 4.0 en [forcedmessage,core_message]
+ 4.0 en [providerprocesorislocked,core_message]
+ 4.0 en [providerprocesorisdisallowed,core_message]