[AMOS commit] MDL-28061 mediaplugins filter: add aac audio node to filetypes.mm, fixed string mistype within the admin setting page (acc -> aac) and add mediaplugin_html5audio css class to align the player/link like the rest. Committed into Git: 2011-

[AMOS commit] MDL-28061 mediaplugins filter: add aac audio node to filetypes.mm, fixed string mistype within the admin setting page (acc -> aac) and add mediaplugin_html5audio css class to align the player/link like the rest. Committed into Git: 2011-

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Yanıt sayısı: 0
Author: Rossiani Wijaya
MDL-28061 mediaplugins filter: add aac audio node to filetypes.mm, fixed string mistype within the admin setting page (acc -> aac) and add mediaplugin_html5audio css class to align the player/link like the rest.


+ 2.1 en [html5audio_help,filter_mediaplugin]