Author: Sara Arjona
MDL-75289 mod_data: Implement prototyped tertiary nav
On the Database page:
- The List/single view is displayed in the right.
- The buttons Import entries, export entries and Export to portfolio
have been moved to the Actions menu.
- The List/Single view headings have been removed.
- The "Save settings" secondary button is hidden when advanced search
is enabled.
- The result (Found X out of Y entries, No records found) are not
displayed as notifications anymore.
On the Presets page:
- The buttons (Import, Export and Save as preset) have been moved to an
actions menu to the tertiary navigation. Some of these options have been
- Remove the Action column heading from the table.
On the Presets preview page:
- Move the preset name to the heading in the tertiary navigation (Preview
of xxxxx), and remove the current preset name from the page.
- Align the List/single template to the right in the tertiary navigation.
- Make primary the "Use this preset" button.
On the Fields page:
- Remove the "Manage fields" menu.
- Remove the Export and Save as preset from the tertiary navigation.
- Align Create a field to the right in the tertiary navigation.
- Add a description at the top of the page.
- Remove the Action column heading from the table.
- Move field actions (Edit and Delete) to ellipsis.
On the Templates page:
- Move Export and Save as preset to the Actions menu.
- Move the templates list to a tertiary navigation selector and remove
the template heading.
- Reorder the templates list (Add entry template should be displayed
at the begining, instead of List template).
- Rename "Enable editor" to "Enable code editor".;a=commit;h=61e8b806ec0f7285451c7a62c35501890ac71c27
+ 4.1 en [editorenable,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [fieldshelp,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [foundnorecords,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [foundrecords,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [importpreset,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [importapreset,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [listtemplate,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [nolisttemplate,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [preview,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [saveaspreset,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [singletemplate,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [usepreset,mod_data]
+ 4.1 en [nosingletemplate,mod_data]
[AMOS commit] MDL-75289 mod_data: Implement prototyped tertiary nav Committed into Git: 2022-10-05 15:03 UTC
by AMOS bot -
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