[AMOS commit] MDL-76691 core_h5p: Add core lib changes after upgrading it Committed into Git: 2022-12-16 10:55 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-76691 core_h5p: Add core lib changes after upgrading it Committed into Git: 2022-12-16 10:55 UTC

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Author: Sara Arjona
MDL-76691 core_h5p: Add core lib changes after upgrading it
Apart from applying the points described in readme_moodle.txt, the following
changes have been done too:

- The parameter $folderName from the method libraryToString() have been removed
and a new method, libraryToFolderName() has been added to the H5PCore API.
References to libraryToString() with the $folderName set to true have been
replaced to the new method.
- missing-main-library has been added and replaces in some cases to
- The framework saveLibraryData method must be called before saveLibrary
(h5p.classes.php file has been patched to leave the original order because
libraryid is required to save the itemid).
- The getLibraryId() method from H5PCore has been rewritten to use MUC, in
order to avoid PHPUnit failures.


+ 4.2 en [cachedef_h5p_libraries,core_cache]
+ 4.2 en [height,core_h5p]
+ 4.2 en [missingmainlibrary,core_h5p]
+ 4.2 en [width,core_h5p]