[AMOS commit] MDL-78207 resource: Move file type to activity badge Committed into Git: 2023-05-25 15:38 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-78207 resource: Move file type to activity badge Committed into Git: 2023-05-25 15:38 UTC

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Author: Sara Arjona
MDL-78207 resource: Move file type to activity badge
One of the resource settings, the file type, has been moved to the
activity badge near the activity name.
The rest of the information will be displayed using the afterlink

However, for now, the activity page still displays all the information
together (that's why resource_get_optional_details() supports now one
new parameter, $showtype, to define whether the file type should be
displayed or not).


+ 4.3 en [resourcedetails_sizetype,mod_resource]
+ 4.3 en [resourcedetails_sizedate,mod_resource]
+ 4.3 en [resourcedetails_typedate,mod_resource]
+ 4.3 en [resourcedetails_sizetypedate,mod_resource]