[AMOS commit] MDL-78575 mod_lti: add course tool editing form as standalone page Committed into Git: 2023-07-03 04:45 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-78575 mod_lti: add course tool editing form as standalone page Committed into Git: 2023-07-03 04:45 UTC

'mei a AMOS bot - 'aho
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Author: Jake Dallimore
MDL-78575 mod_lti: add course tool editing form as standalone page
This handles create/edit of course tools. Deletion will be supported via
an action and modal confirm on the coursetools listing page.


+ 4.3 en [courseexternaltooladdheading,mod_lti]
+ 4.3 en [courseexternaltooladdsuccess,mod_lti]
+ 4.3 en [courseexternaltooleditheading,mod_lti]
+ 4.3 en [courseexternaltooleditsuccess,mod_lti]