[AMOS commit] MDL-78534 Authentication: MFA Improve 2nd factor verify flow Committed into Git: 2023-08-16 03:51 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-78534 Authentication: MFA Improve 2nd factor verify flow Committed into Git: 2023-08-16 03:51 UTC

av AMOS bot -
Antal svar: 0
Author: Matt Porritt
MDL-78534 Authentication: MFA Improve 2nd factor verify flow
Improve login page worklow.
This patch improves the display and UX when a user provides
their second factor during the login process. It includes
refactoring the display to use a template fed by renderer.


+ 4.3 en [locked,tool_mfa]
+ 4.3 en [lockoutnotification,tool_mfa]
+ 4.3 en [verification,tool_mfa]
+ 4.3 en [verification_desc,tool_mfa]
+ 4.3 en [verificationcode,tool_mfa]
+ 4.3 en [verifyalt,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [debugmode:currentweight,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [error:home,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [factorlocked,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [gotourl,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [lookbackperiod,tool_mfa]
- 4.3 en [viewlockedusers,tool_mfa]