[AMOS commit] MDL-81807 core: Add scheduled task for updating the GeoIP database Committed into Git: 2024-05-10 02:10 UTC

[AMOS commit] MDL-81807 core: Add scheduled task for updating the GeoIP database Committed into Git: 2024-05-10 02:10 UTC

د AMOS bot لخوا -
د ځوابونو شمیر: 0
Author: Trisha Milan
MDL-81807 core: Add scheduled task for updating the GeoIP database
This commit includes the following changes:

- Implemented a scheduled task to automate the download and update of the GeoIP database.
- Integrated checksum verification for the downloaded database file.
- Added new configuration settings to enable administrators to enter MaxMind account credentials,
allowing authenticated access to both free and paid GeoIP database versions from Maxmind.


+ 4.5 en [configgeoipfile,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipdbedition,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipdbedition_desc,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipfile,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipmaxmindaccid,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipmaxmindaccid_desc,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipmaxmindlicensekey,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [geoipmaxmindlicensekey_desc,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [iplookupgeoplugin,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [iplookupinfo,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [iplookupmaxmindnote,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [taskupdategeoip2file,core_admin]
+ 4.5 en [cannotgeoplugin,core_error]