Author: Jun Pataleta
MDL-67683 output: Make block regions unique
Unique labels for the block regions:
* `side-pre` blocks - "Blocks"
* `side-post` blocks - "Supplementary blocks"
* `content` blocks - "Main content blocks"
Blocks in the main content region (div role="main") should not also be
in an <aside> as it is a top-level landmark.;a=commit;h=bcbc1e4ccc8b3b3c88e28b1a54e49fd4c833ba1c
+ 4.4 en [blocks_main,core]
+ 4.4 en [blocks_supplementary,core]
[AMOS commit] MDL-67683 output: Make block regions unique Committed into Git: 2024-10-17 11:22 UTC
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