Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Number of replies: 18
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Hi all,

I've completed the french translation of Moodle 2.3, but the download page (http://download.moodle.org/langpack/2.3/) doesn't reflect this status: a string seems to be missing and we're stuck at 99% విచారం.

Any idea?

In reply to Nicolas Martignoni

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by David Mudrák -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Maybe you just do not try hard enough? వెవ్వెవ్వె No, seriously - that is a known problem reported as MDLSITE-1359. I just did not get to look at it closely so far. I just did some debugging now. Having your langpack fully translated helped me a lot.

Firstly, there was a bug in AMOS that it did not consider tool_assignmentupgrade as a standard plugin in 2.3 while it should be. This was fixed, so some missing strings can appear in stats at the download page again.

Then, there are two malicious strings reported by my script:

langconfig.php does not contain parentlanguage
tool_assignmentupgrade.php does not contain notsupported

Both these strings are declared as empty in the English pack. So it is perfectly OK to leave them untranslated in French (and the Translator even does not let you to commit an empty string which is yet another known issue). So these two strings are not in fr.zip. I thought I found the reason of the problem - it wrongly handles strings that are empty in English and missing in French. Simply said, such strings should be considered as translated. BUT. What worries me is that the stats display 17845/17846 French strings translated. If I was right, there should be two strings reported as missing, not one...

OK, let me work on this yet. I'll see what can be done. Thanks for the reminder.

In reply to David Mudrák

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Séverin Terrier -

Thats annoying : Nicolas will talk on June 20 2012 in the morning (French time), and has to be able to show that french is 100% translated కళ్ళు చికిలిస్తూ


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ
In reply to Nicolas Martignoni

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by David Mudrák -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ
Salut Nicolas. Can you please try and achieve 100% again? I made some corrections and at the moment, the Translator reports 8 missing strings and that matches the figures at the stats page. I still am not sure the issue is completely fixed but should be definitively better now.
In reply to David Mudrák

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Hi David! Done: french should be at 100% again now.


In reply to Nicolas Martignoni

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Gosh! Two strings are still reported as missing. Or are these the 2 empty strings reported above?

In reply to Nicolas Martignoni

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by André Yamin -

Hi Nicolas,

The workaround is to do two commits on those strings: the first inserts somthing and the second clean them up కళ్ళు చికిలిస్తూ

I know that is not (at all) a clean method, but I have done this on brasilian portuguese lang pack and it worked well. See http://download.moodle.org/langpack/2.3/


André Yamin.

In reply to André Yamin

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Hi André,

As far as I can see, it didn't worked so well, as you're in the same state as me: 2 strings off కళ్ళు చికిలిస్తూ

Attachment pt_br.png
In reply to André Yamin

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Nicolas Martignoni -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

I just attempted this. Will report if it has worked.

Cheers, Nicolas

In reply to André Yamin

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by koen roggemans -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ
In reply to koen roggemans

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by German Valero -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

Trick also worked for me. I achieved 100% translated strings for mexican spanish.

Thanks a lot.

In reply to German Valero

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by Andrea Bicciolo -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

I tried the trick but maybe I did something wrong. Still unbale to get 100% on 2.2 (1 string left) and 2.3 (2 string left) విచారం.

In reply to Andrea Bicciolo

Re: Unable to achieve 100% in 2.3

by koen roggemans -
Language pack maintainers బొమ్మ

It looks fine to me Andrea: your 2.2 is 100% and your 2.3 has one missing string: 2.3 [course:isincompletionreports,core_role], introduced the 18th of October. 

Don't forget that changes can take up to 3 hours before showing up in the stats.