'Moodle docs for this page' links to wrong address

'Moodle docs for this page' links to wrong address

por German Valero -
Número de respuestas: 1
Imagen de Language pack maintainers


I have been updating the moodle docs in spanish (http://docs.moodle.org/all/es/P%C3%A1gina_Principal). There is one  combined version for all Moodle branches for both International spanish and Mexican spanish.

But recently, my 2.5dev local server began attempting to link to non-existing pages.

For example: When a user navigates to register a moodle site (Administration > Site administration > Registration) and then click on the 'Moodle docs for this page' link at the bottom of the page, the addresses being linked to are:

I know I am asking about an upcoming 2.5 branch, but my concern is about the /es_mx/ part  (and the /pt_br/ part) of the address. Does this mean there will be separate documentation folders for international and mexican spanish languages (very cumbersome, will likely cause many user problems) for the 2.5 branch? And separate portuguese folders? , or maybe it just means that someone has to fix that part of the moodle interfase so that both language users will be pointed towards the same documentation pages (the existing /es/ and /pt/ folders) ?

Brasilian portugues and portugues portugues seemingly share the same issue as international and mexican spanish.

I reckon Moodle 2.5 is well ahead in the future, and this might not be the best place to raise this issue, but I hope David or somebody else will soon figure this out and fix it.  I will copy this post to the Languages post at moodle.org

Thanks in advance for your help.