identifying strings

identifying strings

od Károly Fábricz -
Število odgovorov: 4

Hi David,


It appears that, as a result of the modified interface, it is impossible to identify strings on  the basis of their id alone. Would it be possible to revert to filtering strings on the basis of their ids?



V odgovor na Károly Fábricz

Re: identifying strings

od David Mudrák -
Slika Language pack maintainers
Hi Karoly,

it is still possible to filter strings by their identifier. I just collapsed the first three columns of the former translator table into one column to save some space. So now when there is

2.0 [firsttime,core]

it means the string is on 2.0 branch, its identifier is "firsttime" and the component is "core". Previously, these three values were in separate columns but that led to small screen width remained for the last two columns which are actually the most important. The syntax [stringid,component] is standard syntax for AMOS logs and AMOScript. It also corresponds the parameters of get_string() function.

V odgovor na David Mudrák

Tárgy: Re: identifying strings

od Károly Fábricz -

Hi David,

I know I can search on the basis of the triplet you mention. My problem is I cannot perform a search on the basis of the id alone. It used to be a very useful way of

- searching for ids with identical names,

- relieving the translator from the nuisance of having to specify the component as well (and thus restrict the search).

Of course, the new approach allows a search to be defined more precisely, however, the convenience of generality is thus lost.



V odgovor na Károly Fábricz

Re: Tárgy: Re: identifying strings

od David Mudrák -
Slika Language pack maintainers
Hi Karoly,

sorry I must be missing something. I have not changed anything in the filter recently! And you can still search on the basis of the string id alone. So I do not understand what you mean by "the new approach" and what exactly is lost...

I will be glad hearing any constructive suggestion on how to improve AMOS - please be patient with me and clarify a bit more what you mean please.

TIA d.
V odgovor na David Mudrák

Tárgy: Re: Tárgy: Re: identifying strings

od Károly Fábricz -

Hi David,

A couple of days ago I was unable to search for strings on the basis of their ID alone. It appeared the filter expected unit names to be added as well. Now I retested it, and it accepts just IDs, so it works.

Sorry or any nuisance, and keep up the good work, sleeves up, you save a lot of time for all of us language maintainers.


