How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins you use?

How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins you use?

by Séverin Terrier -
Number of replies: 16


I have a question about plugin translation : what could be the solution to easily see all outdated and new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

Could there be a system that could, from a Moodle site, connect to AMOS, but transmitting the list of plugins used, to check for outdated and new string.

That would be a real usefull way to keep plugins used completly translated. Because otherwise, when news version of plugins bring new strings (or strings are modified), you don't know which ones, and still use old ones, or forgot to translate new strings (or you have to check manually all plugin used, which can be really time consuming).

Ideally, an automated task that would check that, and inform administrator(s) would also be very good!


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -


Nobody has a solution, or at least an opinion about this request?

Should i open a tracker issue?


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by koen roggemans -
Piksa bilong Language pack maintainers

I thought I had a solution:

Do a search for outdated and missing for core and add manually all components you use in your site. Then  create a permalink to bookmark.


Error: url too long sad

It does work if I leave the core strings out (which have to be translated anyway).

These are the ones for what I have installed:


In reply to koen roggemans

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -

Hi Koen,

Thanks for make me think about the permalink. Of course, better to keep out standard strings.

Even with your tips, having several Moodle plateforms, with different plugins, it can help, but still need to be updated when you add/remove plugins.

Having a link in language administration that would automatically generate this URL would really ease the process, being always up to date.


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -

The problem is to find the names of all (non standard) plugins installed, grouped with ",".

A quick possiblity i've found (not really clean) is to go to the plugin overview page, and only show non standard plugins. Then i copy the content of the page in a file (tempfile.txt) on my unix server.

And then, i launch this command to keep only words containing a "_", and concatenate them with "," beetween them :

grep _ temp.txt | tr "\n" ","

Then i just insert the result beetween the begining of the permalink :

and the end :


You could also group commands with :

echo ""`grep _ temp.txt | tr "\n" ","`"&s&d&m=1"

to obtain the whole URL to use.

Of course, you'll have to adapt the URL for your language (for me "fr") and version (here "3500").

Hope it can help,

In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by koen roggemans -
Piksa bilong Language pack maintainers

Where is that 'usefull' button smile

I don't have many sites / plugins, but for heavy users this is a very good start of automating the thing smile

In reply to koen roggemans

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -

You helped me find a way (with permalinks), and i tried to find a better (temporary) solution.

I've now created MDL-62759 for a real clean and integrated solution. Don't hesitate to comment/vote.


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -


Just a little update/clarification about the process.

You should :

  1. go to the plugin overview page, in english (admin/plugins.php?updatesonly=0&contribonly=1&lang=en)
  2. copy the content of plugin table in a file (plugins.tmp)
  3. launch the command (adjust l=fr to your language and v=3700 (for Moodle 3.7) to the appropriate version):
    echo ""`grep _ plugins.tmp | grep -v 'Required by' | tr "\n" ","`"&s&d&m=1"
  4. launch the obtained URL

The command has been updated to ignore bad insertions due to plugin dependencies (hence the need to have the english page to ignore these lines).

Hope this helps,

In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -


I come back about this functionnality. Still waiting for an integrated solution directly in Moodle web interface, by MDL-62759.

But waiting for that, and time passing, with new ability coming in Moodle, i now have a simpler solution to generate the whole link to AMOS, with incomplete or outdated sentences for all non standards plugins used (in french language) :

echo ""`date +%s`"&v=l&l=fr&c="\
`php admin/cli/uninstall_plugins.php  --show-contrib | cut -f 1 | tr '\n' ','`"&s&d&m=1"


In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -

I've recently asked in the french community if someone could create a little plugin for that, and good news, something as been done, named "amoslink" (for now). It really eases the process to see outdated or untranslated strings of all non standard plugins installed on your Moodle (you need an AMOS account).

Perhaps it will be an official plugin in some weeks (or months). If so, i'll post direct link to this plugin.
In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -

I'm really happy to confirm that the AMOS link plugin, developped by Olivier VALENTIN is now available in the plugin DB :

Thanks a lot Olivier.

Hope it will ease the work of lots of admins to check non standard plugins and improve the translations.

In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Mary Cooch -
Thanks Séverin smile If this were on I'd rate it 'useful' -and perhaps it is worth posting in Moodle in English too?
In reply to Mary Cooch

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins used on a Moodle site?

by Séverin Terrier -
Yes, i plan to post in the Languages forum.

Just let Olivier some time to improve installation (and PHP 7 support) before, so that it's clean for people wink

In reply to Séverin Terrier

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins you use?

by Adrian Perez Rodriguez -

Hello Séverin

As you asked me for my opinion in here would be my idea.

Create a custom script that gets the contributed plugins from your Moodle platform with the local_pluginsfetcher. With that plugin names you can fetch afterwards the versions from AMOS and compare them to the versions of actual ones in your Moodle.

Doesn't seem to be a big task. But I don't know how we can get the current version from a plugin from AMOS.


In reply to Adrian Perez Rodriguez

Re: How to easily see outdated or new strings in all plugins you use?

by Séverin Terrier -

Hi Adrian,

Thanks for taking time to read here and make a suggestion.

In reality, i hoped you could help to create the link to AMOS, allowing to directly see missing and outdating strings for all installed plugins, as i proposed in MDL-62759.
